Ringed Curlew. Photo: Rachel Taylor, BTO
Greenland White-fronted Goose. Photo: Edmund Fellowes
ECHOES - a climate change project
ECHOES (Effect of climate change on bird habitats around the Irish Sea) seeks to address how climate change will impact coastal bird habitats of the Irish Sea, and what effect this could have on our society, economy, and shared ecosystems. GSD are providing project management on this collaborative, multi-partner Ireland Wales Cooperation programme project. Collectively, we have been awarded funding of €2,687,579 from the European Regional Development Fund. ECHOES runs from Dec 2019 until June 2023 and draws together expertise and stakeholders from both sides of the Irish Sea in the following specialist areas: ornithology, ecology, Earth Observation and habitat mapping, climate change and vulnerability mapping, web platform development and species distribution modelling. Raising the awareness of climate change impacts and how we can monitor, manage and adapt to these impacts will be one of the project’s key priorities. At GSD we are proud to be leading on the Stakeholder Engagement aspects as well as supporting some of the technical aspects of the project. More information can be found at echoesproj.eu and here: https://echoesproj.eu/get-involved/ and you can sign up to our fantastic newsletter here: https://echoesproj.eu/newsletter/ .